Tuesday 18 June 2013

June Meeting

Hello Ladies,
The next Meeting is this Wednesday 19th June at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. Our speaker is Liz Maxwell, who will give a talk on How to get started with Family History. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Last month our speaker Lis Dobb-Sandi gave a fascinating and extremely entertaining talk regarding her life’s adventures. This was combined with the Public Affairs Resolution brief discussion and voting on the Articles of Association and WI Constitution. All votes were carried unanimously and these votes were taken to the AGM on the 1st June, by our Representatives.
It has been a busy time for our WI of late. Our fund raising efforts at the Garden Party of over £200 were equalled by the Committee’s efforts at the Village Fete, serving tea and homemade cake, bringing a grand total of £442 for our Group. Well done to all those involved.
The Walking Group had a lovely time at Shustoke Reservoir last Saturday, it was a sunny day, with lots to see, on and off the water and everyone enjoyed a picnic afterwards. The next walk is Tuesday 25th June at 11am at the car park of the Social Club, Ousterne Lane, Fillongley.
The Book Club met last Thursday to review A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The next book, , is now available if anyone would like a copy to read(these are loaned library books). This book will be reviewed on 11th July at 8pm at the Manor Pub, Fillongley. Please email/telephone to request a copy.
The Committee have spent some time deliberating trip ideas for the WI this year and we do hope that the choice will meet with your approval. We would like to offer a WI Trip to the Belgrade Theatre to see The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie, on Wednesday 6th November at 7.45pm. The Mousetrap is a murder mystery, the scene is set when a group of people in a country house, cut off by snow, discover to their horror, that there is a murderer in their midst. To celebrate 60 incredible years on stage in the West End, The Mousetrap is going on tour for the first time, with a star cast. Lifts can be arranged by the Committee. Tickets are £20 each. Please email your ticket requests or speak to us on Wednesday.
Kind Regards,
Fillongley Lite WI Committee.
(Any enquiries please tel. Diane 07828678016)

Monday 17 June 2013

Craft Petition

Dear WI
Please see below information taken from NFWI News regarding an e-petition that NFWI is urging members to complete:
“Petition on craft and the creative industries
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has proposed that ‘crafts’ should no longer be considered part of the creative industries, as part of proposed changes set out in a Consultation paper Classifying and Measuring the Creative Industries. Large numbers of craft businesses are sole-traders, many of whom fall below the VAT threshold, which makes data collection difficult. Because of the difficulty in capturing an accurate picture of the craft sector, ‘crafts’ has been removed as a category. 

Crafts make a significant economic contribution; the Craft Council estimated that the income for craft-making businesses in 2011 was £457m (just less than London’s West End theatres). There is concern that the failure to recognise crafts as a specific category for measurement will result in it being less visible than other creative industries, and will mean that government, craft makers, craft agencies and organisations have no agreed source of data that can depict the scale and importance of the craft sector.

The NFWI is asking members to sign an e-petition urging the Government to reconsider. Please circulate this to members. The petition is open online until 8 August, and can be accessed by following this link,

Carol Overton
Federation Administrator
Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes
Federation House
1 Corunna Court
Corunna Road
Warwick CV34 5HQ

tel: 01926 419998

Pass it on - Craft Club competition

Dear WI
The Creative Activities sub-committee has asked me to draw your attention to the ‘Pass It On’ Craft Club Competition advertised on the home page of the NFWI website. By entering, your WI could have the chance to win £150 worth of yarn and knitting/crocheting accessories.
Carol Overton
Federation Administrator
Warwickshire Federation of Women's Institutes
Federation House
1 Corunna Court
Corunna Road
Warwick CV34 5HQ

tel: 01926 419998

Pemba Lama Cookery Event

I thought you might be interested to hear about an exciting new Cookery Event with celebrated Nepalese chef Pemba Lama at Denman on the 17th October. Please see the attached for further information:

Course Description

For further information or to book, please call our Bookings Team on 01865 391991 or go to www.denman.org.uk
With best regards

Lynn Heffernan
Events and Conference Co-ordinator
Denman, Marcham, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX13 6NW
T: 01865 391991 Ext. 233
Fax: 01865 391966